Home / Blog / How to Use Peroxide for Soothing an Earache (A simple tried and true home remedy that really works).


  • How to Use Peroxide for Soothing an Earache (A simple tried and true home remedy that really works).
    16 Aug , 2016












    Earaches can affect people of any age. Children for example often suffer earaches stemming from infections, because of an accumulation of too much water from a day in the pool. No matter the age or the cause, earaches are always unpleasant.


    A common method of relief is the use of hydrogen peroxide. In many cases, if used correctly, hydrogen peroxide can help to soothe a painful earache quite well.


    Below are the simple step-by-step instructions for this “do it yourself at home, remedy”.


    Step 1
    Fill a syringe with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. A bulb syringe works well for this task. (An eyedropper, thoroughly cleaned and sterilized, can also be substituted).



    Step 2
    Insert anywhere from 5 to 10 drops of the hydrogen peroxide into the ear that is suffering from the earache.



    Step 3
    Lie down on your side so that the ear with the peroxide in it is facing up. You will hear bubbling and fizzing as the peroxide sits in your ear. (You may also wish at this point to gently place a cotton ball over the outer ear).



    Step 4
    Allow the peroxide to stay in your ear for at least 10 minutes.



    Step 5
    Stand up (remove the cotton ball if you chose to use one) and hold your ear over a sink to drain it out. Keep a clean cloth handy to wipe up any peroxide that drips onto you and anywhere other than into the sink.



    Step 6
    Rinse your ear by filling the syringe/ eyedropper, with clean water and dripping it into your ear or by standing in the shower and holding your ear under the water. (Gently allow water to flow over the outer ear to the inner ear, without the full force of the showerhead spraying into your inner ear).



    If the earache persists and cannot be soothed, talk to your doctor about possible causes and potential further treatments for it.



    Things You’ll Need:
    Bulb syringe/ or eyedropper
    3 percent hydrogen peroxide
    Cotton ball
    Clean cloth



    Source: Livestrong.com
    Image credit: ear close-up image by Dumitrescu Ciprian from Fotolia.com