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  • Camp is a home run for kids who are deaf.
    26 Jun , 2018













    Camp is a home run for kids who are deaf.



    The Mike Bush Fantasy Baseball Camp for the deaf and hard of hearing is now in its 28th year. It helps empower kids with a disability and let them celebrate their ability.

    Sit on a bench at any local baseball field and close your eyes. What you will hear is the soundtrack of an American summer. Kids playing baseball.

    But to some, it’s the sound of silence.

    Welcome to another session of the Mike Bush Fantasy Baseball Camp for the deaf and hard of hearing, where kids who spend the rest of the year trying to fit in, get a chance to stand out.

    “Even though a lot of things have changed as far as kids mainstreaming a lot earlier, “explains Camp Director Cari Dimovitz, “They still might be the only kid with a hearing aid or a cochlear implant and when they come here, they see other kids who are just like them.”

    For a week every summer, kids ages 7 to 14 learn skills that will help them on the field and off.

    “It helps build their confidence, their self-esteem and they feel comfortable here,” she said.

    Bradley Miller is a long-time volunteer here. He not only coaches, he handles all the camp’s digital media.

    “My story actually goes back about seven years. My son was born with a hearing impairment,” said an emotional Miller.

    Braden Miller is in his third year as a camper but for Brad it seems like yesterday when he got the diagnosis.

    “It was pretty tough at first, “Dad explains through tears. “It’s tough because you don’t even want to ackowledge that there may be something wrong with your child.”

    Braden received his hearing aids when he was just 10-months-old.

    Now, at the age of 8, he’s thriving and loving both baseball and the camp.

    “I just think that it’s cool that there is other kids around me that have hearing aids just like me,” Braden tells us.

    The camp started because of one 8-year-old boy, but as all baseball lovers know, if you build it they will come. Twenty-eight years later, more than 1500 kids have been able to play ball.

    And former campers are coming back as volunteers.

    “I want to give all the campers the same experience I had,” Austin Rooks said. “I want to give them the opportunities and the sense of belonging here.”

    Rooks was just 7 when he first signed up. He’s now a full-time registered nurse, but he’s never forgotten how the camp made him feel.

    “It makes you feel not so alone,” he said.

    It may only last a week, but it stays with these kids much longer.

    “I think kids just want to be included and they want to be a part of something,” Mller said. “That’s the neat thing for me is to see them experience that on a level that they may not be able to otherwise.”

    Helping kids just be kids. At the Fantasy Baseball Camp, it’s a message that comes through loud and clear.

    Source: ksdk.com, 5 on your side,NBC, Mike Bush 
    Image credit: Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash